Japanese Drama-Kitakaze to Taiyo no Houtei (2017)

Japanese Drama-Kitakaze to Taiyo no Houtei (2017) Cast,Story,Synopsis Wiki

In this era where it's said that 1 in 3 couples get divorced every 2 minutes and 19 seconds, most of them negotiate their divorce matters together but the remaining get third parties to facilitate the process. However, about 2.4% of the couples who have to resort to a trial if the mediation process does not proceed as planned. The title of the drama comes from the fable "Kitakaze to Taiyo" which describes the leads who are lawyers with exactly opposite characters helping couples face off in court.
Haru plays the role of Sakuragawa Fuuka whose motto is to win at all times and has never lost a divorce case. She is calm and seems to have an allergy when it comes to love so is regarded as the northern wind who doesn't hesitate to attack her opponents. On the other hand, Okada plays Kojiya Youta who is able to steer difficult cases towards an amicable resolution all the time and believes in love being able to enrich one's life. He is seen as warm like the sun and has feelings towards Fuuka.
Co-stars include Otani Ryohei who plays Fuuka's boss Isohata Koichiro at Golden Wing Law Firm, Yamamoto Yusuke who plays Fuuka's client Hara Masaharu and has unsuccessfully attempted to enter medical school for 8 years. Masaharu's wife Kyoko will be played by Kawashima Umika and Uchida Rio will play Omura Mayuko who works at Golden Wing and is very eager to get married. Yashima Norito plays Shibayama Naomichi who is a repeat student aiming to pass the bar exam and keeps attending trials at the courts. Fuuka's mother Shoko will be played by Kimura Midoriko while Youta's boss Tezuka Rokuro will be played by Ichimura Masachika.

Drama Details :

Episodes: 1
Aired: Mar 17, 2017
Aired On: Friday
Network: NTV

Drama Cast :

    Okada Masaki
    Kojiya Youta
    Main Role
    Sakuragawa Fuuka
    Main Role
    Yamamoto Yusuke
    Hara Masaharu
    Supporting Role
    Kimura Midoriko
    Fuuka's mother
    Unknown Role
    Kawashima Umika
    Kyoko Masaharu
    Supporting Role
    Yashima Norito
    Shibayama Naomichi
    Unknown Role

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