Japanese Drama-Uchuu Sentai Kyuranger (2017)
Japanese Drama-Uchuu Sentai Kyuranger (2017) Cast,Story,Synopsis Wiki
In the distant future, the universe has been dominated by the evil Jack Matter organization and hope has been lost. However, harboring the power of the constellations, the Kyutama have chosen nine warriors from across the stars to become the ultimate saviors of the universe.The Earth has fallen into the hands of invaders. When the universe falls into the hands of heartless beings, when people shed tears, the 9 (Kyunin) Utimate (Kyuukyoku) Saviors (Kyuuseishu), those chosen by the KyuTama, appear to save the universe. 9 individuals with strong personalities. The strongest warriors arise here and now.
Drama Details :
Episodes: 50
Aired: Feb 12, 2017 to ?
Aired On: Sunday
Network: TV Asahi
Drama Cast :
Sakakibara Tetsuji
Spada [Kajiki Yellow]
Main Role
Kizu Takumi
Lucky [Shishi Red]
Main Role
Kishi Yosuke
Stinger[Sasori Orange]
Main Role
Okubo Sakurako
Hammy[Chameleon Green]
Main Role
Yamazaki Taiki
Naga Rei [HebitsukaiSilver]
Main Role
Ichimichi Mao
Raptor 283 [WashiPink](voice)
Main Role
In the distant future, the universe has been dominated by the evil Jack Matter organization and hope has been lost. However, harboring the power of the constellations, the Kyutama have chosen nine warriors from across the stars to become the ultimate saviors of the universe.The Earth has fallen into the hands of invaders. When the universe falls into the hands of heartless beings, when people shed tears, the 9 (Kyunin) Utimate (Kyuukyoku) Saviors (Kyuuseishu), those chosen by the KyuTama, appear to save the universe. 9 individuals with strong personalities. The strongest warriors arise here and now.
Drama Details :
Episodes: 50
Aired: Feb 12, 2017 to ?
Aired On: Sunday
Network: TV Asahi
Drama Cast :
Sakakibara Tetsuji
Spada [Kajiki Yellow]
Main Role
Kizu Takumi
Lucky [Shishi Red]
Main Role
Kishi Yosuke
Stinger[Sasori Orange]
Main Role
Okubo Sakurako
Hammy[Chameleon Green]
Main Role
Yamazaki Taiki
Naga Rei [HebitsukaiSilver]
Main Role
Ichimichi Mao
Raptor 283 [WashiPink](voice)
Main Role
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